REPOSSI x Amélie du Chalard: Antifer and pro art

"The gallery owner has invited 6 artists to produce 5 original works in resonance with Antifer. Florence Grundeler, French but inhabited by the Chinese language and culture, knows well the interplay of full and empty and is interested in line and importance of the line. Victoire d'Harcourt's sculptures play with the tangle of geometric figures, like so many links in a jewel whose ovals and circles are punctuated here and there with angles. Photographer François Kenesi also draws on his photographs, often exploring the geometry of architecture from which the House draws inspiration.Michel Kirsch, a Parisian sculptor, works with slate which reveals its mystery, and in which the light is housed and reveals the silences and breaths of its mineral folds. Marine Vu sculpts paper to explore its reliefs, voids and solids, like Antifer. Finally, Repossi has Italy in common with the ceramist Guido de Zan, as well as a taste for play and gap."

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